GOOD MAUR-NIG – Optimized Management of the Internationalization Development Organization in Mauritania and Niger – aims at optimizing the organization of the internationalization of 5 Mauritanian and Nigerien universities by supporting them in positioning themselves in relation to existing opportunities, by strengthening the skills of their staff and by implementing international activities adapted to their context.
Goals & MetHodology
The project will implement 3 main activities: the first is linked to the definition of internationalization prospects which is based on a cross-analysis between a diagnosis of resources and a mapping of possible mechanisms; the second to build and strengthen staff capacities and the third to the management of internationalization activities.
All of these activities will take place in all the countries involved, in a coordinated manner by a tandem of European and African partners. The activities will directly target the academic and administrative staff in charge of internationalization missions in the partner universities.
Expected Results
At the end of the project, the partners of GOOD MAUR-NIG will have configured their internationalization office and will have their skills reinforced, among other things, in administrative and financial issues, definition and monitoring of objectives, funding programs and international opportunities, monitoring and fundraising, promotion of international activities. The expected results are the creation of an internationalization dossier, the configurations of internationalization offices, the definition and implementation of international activities. These results have the potential to be replicated by other universities in similar conditions.
The project will provide Mauritanian and Nigerien universities with better capacities to work and interact more on the international scene and offer a vibrant and GOOD MAUR-NI(n)G to Euro-African cooperation.
The Project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
Project n°: 101128842
24 months (15 January 2024 – 14 January 2026)